adiunkt w jednostce Wydział Nauk Biologicznych i Weterynaryjnych
Ahmad Rajabi Dehnavi
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Podstawowe informacje o użytkowniku
Koordynowane przedmioty
2023/24Z - The future of land use 2600-TFL-GC-2-S2
2023/24L - Plants in extreme environments 2600-PEBIOT-SX-S2
2024/25Z - The future of land use 2600-TFL-GC-2-S2
2024/25L - Plants in extreme environments 2600-PEBIOT-SX-S2
Prowadzone przedmioty
2023/24Z - Basic of statistics and multivariate analyses for biologists 2600-OG-EN-BSM:
Laboratorium (grupa 1)
2023/24L - Advanced techniques in environmental data analysis 2600-BS-ATBIOL-2-S2:
Laboratorium (grupa 1), Laboratorium (grupa 2)
2024/25Z - Basic of statistics and multivariate analyses for biologists 2600-OG-EN-BSM:
Laboratorium (grupa 1)
2024/25L - Advanced techniques in environmental data analysis 2600-BS-ATBIOL-2-S2:
Laboratorium (grupa 1)