Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu - Centralny punkt logowania
Strona główna

Philosophical Problems of Cognitive Science 2401-OG-EN-PHPCS
Konwersatorium (KON) Semestr zimowy 2019/20

Informacje o zajęciach (wspólne dla wszystkich grup)

Liczba godzin: 20
Limit miejsc: (brak limitu)
Zaliczenie: Zaliczenie na ocenę
Liczba godzin zajęć prowadzonych z wykorzystaniem metod i technik kształcenia na odległość`: (tylko po angielsku) - participation in the lectures - 20 hrs

Self-study hours:
- Current preparation for exercise (reading texts, preparing homework) - 30 h
- Preparation of the essay - 40 h
- Consultation - 10 h
Altogether: 100 hrs (4 ECTS)

Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)

1. Bermudez J.L., (2001), “Nonconceptual self-consciousness and Cognitive Science”, Synthese 129: 129–149, (2001), Kluwer Academic Publishers.

2. Blanke O., Metzinger T., (2008), “Full-Body Illusions and Minimal Phenomenal Self-hood”, Trends in Cognitive Science, Volume 13, Issue 1, 7–13, 08 December 2008, doi:10.1016.j.tics.2008.10.003;

3. Davidson D., (1980), How is Weakness of the Will Possible? Essays on Actions and Events. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Guttenplan, S., 1994, “First Person Authority”, In: S. Guttenplan (ed.) A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind, Oxford: Blackwell.

4.Hohwy J., (2012) “Attention and Conscious Perception in the Hypothesis Testing Brain”, Frontiers in Psychology April 2012, Vol.3, doi: 103389/fpsyg.2012.00096

5.Lamme,V., (2006), “Towards a True Neural Stance on Consciousness”, Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10(11), pp. 494–501.

6.Lenggenhager B., Tadji T., Metzinger T., Blanke O., (2007), “Video Ergo Sum: Manipulating Bodily Self-Consciousness”, Science 317 (2007), s. 1096–1099.

7.Lane T., Liang C.,(2010), “Mental Ownership and Higher-Order Thought: Response to Rosenthal, Analysis, Vol. 70, No. 3, July 2010, doi: 101093/analysis, anq 022.

8. Millikan, R.G. (1991) “Perceptual Content and Fregean Myth”, Mind, vol. C. 4. October.

9. Petkova V. I., Ehrsson H. H., 2008, “If I Were You: Perceptual Illusion of Body Swapping”, PLoS ONE, 3 (12): e3832. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0003832;

10.Rosenthal, D.M. (2010). “Consciousness, the Self and Bodily Location”, Analysis 70: 270–76.

11.Schooler,J.W., Schreiber, C.A., (2004), “Experience, Meta-Consciousness and the Paradox of Introspection”, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 11, No.7–8 2004, pp. 17-39.

12.Searle, J.R, (1983), Intentionality: An Essay in the Philosophy of Mind, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

13.Zahavi D., (2002), “First-Person Thoughts and Embodied Self-Awareness: Some Reflections on the Relation between Recent Analytical Philosophy and Phenomenology”, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 1: 7–26, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Efekty uczenia się: (tylko po angielsku)

Learning outcomes - knowledge W1: Student has an ordered knowledge of the main standpoints within the philosophy of mind and cognitive science.

W2: Student knows basic research methods and argumentative strategies appropriate for one of the major disciplines of cognitive science.

W3: Student knows the relations between the problems of philosophy of mind and empirical studies within the cognitive sciences.

Learning outcomes - skills U1: Student selects, analyzes, evaluates and uses information from different sources.

U2: Student selects argumentative strategies and independently formulate its own position.

U3: Student can constructively criticize the statements and positions within a given topic.

Learning outcomes - social competencies K1: Student understands the social aspects of the practical application of knowledge.

K2: Student can interact and work in a group, taking different roles.

K3: Student independently formulates proposals for solutions to new situation and problems on the basis of creative analysis of it.

K4: Student is open to new ideas and ready to change his opinion in the light of the available data and arguments.

Metody i kryteria oceniania: (tylko po angielsku)

Assessment methods:

1. Scoring for moderating a discussion – 15%

2. Active participation in the discussion – 15%

3. Scientific essay – 40%

4. Digital presentation – 30%

Assessment criteria:

fail- (0-49%)

satisfactory- (50-59%)

satisfactory plus- (60-69%)

good - (70-79%)

good plus- (80-89%)

very good- (90-100%)

Zakres tematów: (tylko po angielsku)

Introduction - a seminar lecture

II. Contemporary approaches to the mind-body problem.

III. Embodied Mind and the concepts of Self

IV. Intentionality and goal direction

V. Determinism and free will

VI. Understanding and rationality in the philosophical and cognitive interpretations.

VII. Consciousness and attention

VIII. Empathy and mind reading as elements of theory of mind

IX. Illusions of a first person perspective in healthy subjects: Experiments RHI, the FBI, BSI, OBE

X. Phantom limbs and psychosomatic disorders of self-identification

XI. Cognitive aspects of meditation and hypnosis

XII. Lucid Dreaming and deja vu as a scientifically tested phenomenon

XIII. Self-knowledge

XIV. Individual and social subject

XV. Summary - a panel discussion

Metody dydaktyczne: (tylko po angielsku)

- seminar


- exchange of ideas

- classic problem method

- Round Table

- presentation

Grupy zajęciowe

zobacz na planie zajęć

Grupa Termin(y) Prowadzący Miejsca Liczba osób w grupie / limit miejsc Akcje
1 każdy czwartek, 13:15 - 14:45, sala 317
Anita Pacholik-Żuromska 28/30 szczegóły
Wszystkie zajęcia odbywają się w budynku:
Wydział Filozofii i Nauk Społecznych (Collegium Minus)
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