E.W1. knows environmental and epidemiological conditions of the most common diseases;
E.W2. knows the principles of nutrition of healthy and sick children, preventive vaccinations and conducting a child health balance;
E.W3. knows and understands the causes, symptoms, principles of diagnosis and therapeutic management of the most common childhood diseases:
a) rickets, tetany, seizures,
b) heart defects, myocarditis, endocarditis and pericarditis, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, hypertension, syncope,
c) acute and chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, congenital abnormalities of the respiratory system, tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, asthma, allergic rhinitis, urticaria, anaphylactic shock, angioedema,
d) anemia, hemorrhagic diathesis, bone marrow failure states, childhood neoplastic diseases, including solid tumors typical of childhood,
e) acute and chronic abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, gastrointestinal bleeding, peptic ulcer disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, pancreatic diseases, cholestasis, liver diseases and other acquired diseases and congenital disorders of the gastrointestinal tract,
f) urinary tract infections, congenital urinary tract diseases, nephrotic syndrome, kidney stones, acute and chronic renal failure, acute and chronic nephritis, systemic kidney diseases, urinary disorders, vesicoureteral reflux disease,
g) growth disorders, thyroid and parathyroid diseases, adrenal diseases, diabetes, obesity, puberty and gonadal dysfunction,
h) cerebral palsy, encephalitis and meningitis, epilepsy,
i) the most common childhood infectious diseases,
j) genetic syndromes,
k) connective tissue diseases, rheumatic fever, juvenile arthritis, systemic lupus, dermatomyositis;
E.W4. knows the following topics: abused child and sexual abuse, mental retardation, behavioral disorders: psychoses, addictions, eating and excretion disorders in children;
E.W5. knows the fundamental methods of fetal diagnostics and therapy;
E.W6. knows the most common life-threatening conditions in children and the principles of management in these conditions;
E.W37. Knows the types of biological specimens used in laboratory diagnostics and the methods of specimen collection
E.W38. knows both the theoretical and practical principles of laboratory diagnostics;
E.W40. Lists indications for implementation of monitored therapy;
E.W41. defines fundamental pharmacoeconomic concepts.
E.U2. performs a medical interview with the child and his/her family;
E.U4. performs a physical examination of a child of any age;
E.U8. assesses the neonate's condition on the Apgar scale and evaluates its maturity, examines neonatal reflexes;
E.U9. matches anthropometric and blood pressure measurements with data on percentile grids;
E.U10. assesses the stage of puberty;
E.U11. performs balance examinations
E.U12. provides differential diagnosis of the most common diseases of adults and children;
E.U13. assesses and describes the patient's somatic and psychological status;
E.U14. identifies life-threatening situations;
E.U15. identify the status after consumption of alcohol, drugs and other stimulants;
E.U16. plans diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive procedures;
E.U17. performs an analysis of possible side effects of individual drugs and drug interactions;
E.U18. Suggests individualization of current therapeutic guidelines and other methods of treatment in case of ineffectiveness or contraindications to standard therapy
E.U19. recognizes the symptoms of drug addiction and suggests treatment management;
E.U20. qualifies the patient both for home and hospital treatment;
E.U24. interprets laboratory test results and identifies reasons for any deviations;
E.U25. applies nutritional treatment (including enteral and parenteral nutrition);
E.U27. qualifies the patient for vaccination;
E.U28. collects specimens for tests used in laboratory diagnostics;
E.U29. Performs essential medical procedures and interventions, including:
a) body temperature measurement, heart rate measurement, non-invasive blood pressure measurement,
b) monitoring of vital signs with the use of a cardiomonitor, pulse oximetry,
c) spirometry assessment, oxygen therapy, support and replacement ventilation,
d) intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, cannulation of peripheral veins, collection of peripheral venous blood,
e) collection of swabs from the nose, throat and skin,
f) simple strip tests and blood glucose measurement;
E.U30. Assists in providing the following medical procedures and interventions:
a) Blood and blood products transfusion,
b) epidermal testing,
c) intradermal and scarification tests and interpret their results;
E.U32. plans specialist consultations;
E.U38. maintains the medical records of the patient.
K01 – Is aware of his/her own limitations and has the ability to constantly learn new things
K02 – has the ability to work under conditions of both uncertainty and sometimes stress
K03 – can establish and maintain strong and respectful relationships with patients
K05 – Prioritizes the best interests of the patient
K06 – shows respect for the patient and understanding of world-view and cultural differences
K07 – respects medical confidentiality and all patient rights (including the right to information, to intimacy, to an informed decision, and to die with dignity)
K08 – is able to cooperate with representatives of other professions in the field of healthcare