W1:Describes the mechanisms responsible for maintaining water and electrolyte balance in the human body (B.W01).
W2: : Knows the ways of inter-cellular communication and communication between a cell and extracellular matrix (B.W20)
W3:Knows and can explain the chemical and electrical information conductance, as well as smooth muscle contraction mechanism.
W4: Knows blood components and their function ( B.W20)
W5. Knows the function and control mechanisms of all organs and systems, including cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, urinary system and skin integuments and understands the relationships between the (B.W21).
W6. Knows the course and regulation of female and male reproductive functions (B.W22).
W7: Knows basic parameters defining efficiency of particular systems and organs, including the reference values (B.W.24)
W8:Knows the consequences of deficiency and too high levels of vitamins and minerals in the human body (C.W48).
W9. Knows the mechanism of production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, the role of bile, enzymes involved in digestion and the course of absorption of digestion products (C.W50).
W10. Knows the consequences of poor nutrition (malnourishment), including prolonged starvation, high caloric meals intake
W11: Knows the mechanism of hormones action on cellular level, hormones’ production and release regulatory mechanisms and the consequences of disturbances in hormonal regulation (C.W51).
U1: Perform simple function test assessing the human body as a system of stable regulation (ECG, spirometry, dynamic and static exercices fitness tests), interprets numerical data referring to basic physiological variables (B.U7)
U2. Describe integrated human body response to homeostasis disturbance, especially exposure to high or low temperature, loss of blood or water, sudden verticalization or transition from sleep to wake-up state (B.U20)
K1. Has knowledge regarding reliable source of information (K_K01)