Financial Analysis
Informacje ogólne
Kod przedmiotu: | 1155-12-M21-BA-FinAn |
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: |
Nazwa przedmiotu: | Financial Analysis |
Jednostka: | Katedra Rachunkowości Zarządczej |
Grupy: |
_Erasmus - rozkład zajęć Management - plan studiów 1 rok 2 stopnia Management, 1 rok II stopnia, PRK, sp. Business Administration Przedmioty z angielskim językiem wykładowym |
Punkty ECTS i inne: |
Język prowadzenia: | angielski |
Wymagania wstępne: | (tylko po angielsku) Student should attend classes in the following courses: Financial Accounting, Corporate Finance. |
Rodzaj przedmiotu: | przedmiot obligatoryjny |
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta: | (tylko po angielsku) Contact hours with teacher: - participation in lectures - 15 hrs - participation in exercises - 30 hrs - consultations - 30 hrs Self-study hours: - preparation for exercises – 30 hrs - preparation for examination - 45 hrs Altogether: 150 hrs ( 6 ECTS) |
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza: | (tylko po angielsku) W1: Knows to a significant extent, selected methods and tools of data acquisition, modelling, analysis and reporting – K_W04 |
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności: | (tylko po angielsku) U1: Is able to support managers in the decision making process by predicting and analysing complex problems related to practical functioning of institutions using theoretical knowledge of financial analysis – K_U01 |
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne: | (tylko po angielsku) K1: Is willing to think and act as a manager to obtain information using theoretical knowledge of financial analysis - K_K04 |
Metody dydaktyczne: | (tylko po angielsku) Expository teaching methods: - informative lecture, description – Power Point presentation of theoretical issues and practical examples. Exploratory teaching methods: - practical – solving of practical cases, project, discussion, group work. |
Metody dydaktyczne podające: | - wykład informacyjny (konwencjonalny) |
Metody dydaktyczne poszukujące: | - ćwiczeniowa |
Skrócony opis: |
(tylko po angielsku) This course shows two fundamental concepts of financial analysis. The first one, preliminary, is connected with the use of horizontal and vertical analysis. The second one is based on many kinds of ratios, which allow to assess the profitability, efficiency, solvency, liquidity, and stability of a company. After the course student should know and understand tools and techniques from the field of financial analysis, of collecting data, describing, modelling and identifying the rules of economic processes that are needed in the enterprise for decision-making, regarding strategic decisions in particular, sources of costs, revenues and profit and factors influencing value of profit. Student should also be able to forecast, identify and analyse problems related to the operations and development of an organisation, making use of theoretical knowledge and formulating own opinions. |
Pełny opis: |
(tylko po angielsku) This course shows the fundamental concepts of financial analysis. 1. General information on financial analysis W1 - Definition and concept of financial analysis - Objectives and the scope of financial analysis 2. Financial statements as a source of information used in the process of financial analysis W1, U1, K1 3. Horizontal and vertical analysis of financial statements W1, U1, K1 - Horizontal and vertical analysis of balance sheet - Assessment of working capital - Horizontal and vertical analysis of income statement 4. Financial ratios W1, U1, K1 - Profitability analysis - Efficiency analysis - Liquidity ratios - Financial leverage and debt service ratios - Investment ratios - Financial ratios in budgeting - The limitations of financial analysis 5. Du Pont Model W1, U1, K1 6. Financial analysis in budgeting |
Literatura: |
(tylko po angielsku) 1. Lessambo Felix I., Financial statements. Analysis and reporting, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.(available online access on the university library webside: Catalogue NCU UL - lessambo Felix (, the book is also downloadable in a PDF file.) 2. P. Atrill, Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists, 10/E, University of Plymouth Business School, Eddie McLaney, ISBN-10: 1292135603, ISBN-13: 9781292135601, ©2017, Pearson. |
Metody i kryteria oceniania: |
(tylko po angielsku) There is a separate assessment for lectures and for exercises. Lectures: W1: written exam - multiple choice test of 20 questions +++ Exercises: U1: practical test of 10 questions +++ K1: continuous evaluation +++ |
Praktyki zawodowe: |
(tylko po angielsku) not applicable |
Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr zimowy 2021/22" (zakończony)
Okres: | 2021-10-01 - 2022-02-20 |
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: |
Ćwiczenia, 30 godzin, 30 miejsc
Wykład, 15 godzin, 30 miejsc
Koordynatorzy: | Piotr Kozak | |
Prowadzący grup: | Piotr Kozak | |
Lista studentów: | (nie masz dostępu) | |
Zaliczenie: |
Przedmiot -
Ćwiczenia - Zaliczenie na ocenę Wykład - Egzamin |
Skrócony opis: |
(tylko po angielsku) This course shows two fundamental concepts of financial analysis. The first one, preliminary, is connected with the use of horizontal and vertical analysis. The second one is based on many kinds of ratios, which allow to assess the profitability, solvency, liquidity, and stability of a company. After the course student should know and understand tools and techniques from the field of financial analysis of collecting data, describing, modelling and identifying the rules of economic processes that are needed in the enterprise for decision-making, regarding strategic decisions in particular, sources of costs, revenues and profit and factors influencing value of profit. Student should also be able to forecast, identify and analyse problems related to the operations and development of an organisation, making use of theoretical knowledge and formulating own opinions. |
Pełny opis: |
(tylko po angielsku) This course shows the fundamental concepts of financial analysis. 1. General information on financial analysis W1 - Definition and concept of financial analysis - Objectives and the scope of financial analysis 2. Financial statements as a source of information used in the process of financial analysis W1, U1, K1 3. Horizontal and vertical analysis of financial statements W1, U1, K1 - Horizontal and vertical analysis of balance sheet - Assessment of working capital - Horizontal and vertical analysis of income statement 4. Financial ratios analysis: balance sheet/income statement ratios W1, U1, K1 - Profitability analysis - Efficiency analysis - Liquidity ratios - Financial leverage and debt service ratios - Investment ratios - Financial ratios in budgeting - The limitations of financial analysis 5. Du Pont Model W1, U1, K1 |
Literatura: |
(tylko po angielsku) 1. P. Atrill, Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists, 10/E, University of Plymouth Business School, Eddie McLaney, ISBN-10: 1292135603, ISBN-13: 9781292135601, ©2017, Pearson. 2. C. Drury, Management and cost accounting, Cengage Learning, 7 edition, London 2008. 3. A. Bhimani, Ch.T. Horngren S.M. Datar, G. Foster, Management and cost accounting, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, 4 edition, 2008. 4. P. Atrill, E. Mclaney, Management Accounting for Decision Makers, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, 5 edition, 2009. |
Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr zimowy 2022/23" (zakończony)
Okres: | 2022-10-01 - 2023-02-19 |
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: |
Ćwiczenia, 30 godzin, 30 miejsc
Wykład, 15 godzin, 30 miejsc
Koordynatorzy: | Piotr Kozak | |
Prowadzący grup: | Piotr Kozak | |
Lista studentów: | (nie masz dostępu) | |
Zaliczenie: |
Przedmiot -
Ćwiczenia - Zaliczenie na ocenę Wykład - Egzamin |
Skrócony opis: |
(tylko po angielsku) This course shows two fundamental concepts of financial analysis. The first one, preliminary, is connected with the use of horizontal and vertical analysis. The second one is based on many kinds of ratios, which allow to assess the profitability, solvency, liquidity, and stability of a company. After the course student should know and understand tools and techniques from the field of financial analysis of collecting data, describing, modelling and identifying the rules of economic processes that are needed in the enterprise for decision-making, regarding strategic decisions in particular, sources of costs, revenues and profit and factors influencing value of profit. Student should also be able to forecast, identify and analyse problems related to the operations and development of an organisation, making use of theoretical knowledge and formulating own opinions. |
Pełny opis: |
(tylko po angielsku) This course shows the fundamental concepts of financial analysis. 1. General information on financial analysis W1 - Definition and concept of financial analysis - Objectives and the scope of financial analysis 2. Financial statements as a source of information used in the process of financial analysis W1, U1, K1 3. Horizontal and vertical analysis of financial statements W1, U1, K1 - Horizontal and vertical analysis of balance sheet - Assessment of working capital - Horizontal and vertical analysis of income statement 4. Financial ratios analysis: balance sheet/income statement ratios W1, U1, K1 - Profitability analysis - Efficiency analysis - Liquidity ratios - Financial leverage and debt service ratios - Investment ratios - Financial ratios in budgeting - The limitations of financial analysis 5. Du Pont Model W1, U1, K1 |
Literatura: |
(tylko po angielsku) 1. P. Atrill, Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists, 10/E, University of Plymouth Business School, Eddie McLaney, ISBN-10: 1292135603, ISBN-13: 9781292135601, ©2017, Pearson. 2. C. Drury, Management and cost accounting, Cengage Learning, 7 edition, London 2008. 3. A. Bhimani, Ch.T. Horngren S.M. Datar, G. Foster, Management and cost accounting, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, 4 edition, 2008. 4. P. Atrill, E. Mclaney, Management Accounting for Decision Makers, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, 5 edition, 2009. |
Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr zimowy 2023/24" (zakończony)
Okres: | 2023-10-01 - 2024-02-19 |
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: |
Ćwiczenia, 30 godzin, 30 miejsc
Wykład, 15 godzin, 30 miejsc
Koordynatorzy: | Piotr Kozak | |
Prowadzący grup: | Piotr Kozak | |
Lista studentów: | (nie masz dostępu) | |
Zaliczenie: |
Przedmiot -
Ćwiczenia - Zaliczenie na ocenę Wykład - Egzamin |
Skrócony opis: |
(tylko po angielsku) This course shows two fundamental concepts of financial analysis. The first one, preliminary, is connected with the use of horizontal and vertical analysis. The second one is based on many kinds of ratios, which allow to assess the profitability, solvency, liquidity, and stability of a company. After the course student should know and understand tools and techniques from the field of financial analysis of collecting data, describing, modelling and identifying the rules of economic processes that are needed in the enterprise for decision-making, regarding strategic decisions in particular, sources of costs, revenues and profit and factors influencing value of profit. Student should also be able to forecast, identify and analyse problems related to the operations and development of an organisation, making use of theoretical knowledge and formulating own opinions. |
Pełny opis: |
(tylko po angielsku) This course shows the fundamental concepts of financial analysis. 1. General information on financial analysis W1 - Definition and concept of financial analysis - Objectives and the scope of financial analysis 2. Financial statements as a source of information used in the process of financial analysis W1, U1, K1 3. Horizontal and vertical analysis of financial statements W1, U1, K1 - Horizontal and vertical analysis of balance sheet - Assessment of working capital - Horizontal and vertical analysis of income statement 4. Financial ratios analysis: balance sheet/income statement ratios W1, U1, K1 - Profitability analysis - Efficiency analysis - Liquidity ratios - Financial leverage and debt service ratios - Investment ratios - Financial ratios in budgeting - The limitations of financial analysis 5. Du Pont Model W1, U1, K1 |
Literatura: |
(tylko po angielsku) 1. P. Atrill, Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists, 10/E, University of Plymouth Business School, Eddie McLaney, ISBN-10: 1292135603, ISBN-13: 9781292135601, ©2017, Pearson. 2. C. Drury, Management and cost accounting, Cengage Learning, 7 edition, London 2008. 3. A. Bhimani, Ch.T. Horngren S.M. Datar, G. Foster, Management and cost accounting, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, 4 edition, 2008. 4. P. Atrill, E. Mclaney, Management Accounting for Decision Makers, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, 5 edition, 2009. |
Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr zimowy 2024/25" (jeszcze nie rozpoczęty)
Okres: | 2024-10-01 - 2025-02-23 |
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: |
Ćwiczenia, 30 godzin, 30 miejsc
Wykład, 15 godzin, 30 miejsc
Koordynatorzy: | Piotr Kozak | |
Prowadzący grup: | Piotr Kozak | |
Lista studentów: | (nie masz dostępu) | |
Zaliczenie: |
Przedmiot -
Ćwiczenia - Zaliczenie na ocenę Wykład - Egzamin |
Skrócony opis: |
(tylko po angielsku) This course shows two fundamental concepts of financial analysis. The first one, preliminary, is connected with the use of horizontal and vertical analysis. The second one is based on many kinds of ratios, which allow to assess the profitability, solvency, liquidity, and stability of a company. After the course student should know and understand tools and techniques from the field of financial analysis of collecting data, describing, modelling and identifying the rules of economic processes that are needed in the enterprise for decision-making, regarding strategic decisions in particular, sources of costs, revenues and profit and factors influencing value of profit. Student should also be able to forecast, identify and analyse problems related to the operations and development of an organisation, making use of theoretical knowledge and formulating own opinions. |
Pełny opis: |
(tylko po angielsku) This course shows the fundamental concepts of financial analysis. 1. General information on financial analysis W1 - Definition and concept of financial analysis - Objectives and the scope of financial analysis 2. Financial statements as a source of information used in the process of financial analysis W1, U1, K1 3. Horizontal and vertical analysis of financial statements W1, U1, K1 - Horizontal and vertical analysis of balance sheet - Assessment of working capital - Horizontal and vertical analysis of income statement 4. Financial ratios analysis: balance sheet/income statement ratios W1, U1, K1 - Profitability analysis - Efficiency analysis - Liquidity ratios - Financial leverage and debt service ratios - Investment ratios - Financial ratios in budgeting - The limitations of financial analysis 5. Du Pont Model W1, U1, K1 |
Literatura: |
(tylko po angielsku) 1. P. Atrill, Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists, 10/E, University of Plymouth Business School, Eddie McLaney, ISBN-10: 1292135603, ISBN-13: 9781292135601, ©2017, Pearson. 2. C. Drury, Management and cost accounting, Cengage Learning, 7 edition, London 2008. 3. A. Bhimani, Ch.T. Horngren S.M. Datar, G. Foster, Management and cost accounting, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, 4 edition, 2008. 4. P. Atrill, E. Mclaney, Management Accounting for Decision Makers, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, 5 edition, 2009. |
Właścicielem praw autorskich jest Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu.