Informacje ogólne
Kod przedmiotu: | 1155-12-M21-0-Entre |
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: |
Nazwa przedmiotu: | Entrepreneurship |
Jednostka: | Katedra Zarządzania Przedsiębiorstwem |
Grupy: |
_Erasmus - rozkład zajęć Management - plan studiów 1 rok 2 stopnia Management, 1 rok II stopnia, PRK, przedmioty obowiązkowe |
Punkty ECTS i inne: |
Język prowadzenia: | angielski |
Wymagania wstępne: | Foundations of Management, Foundations of Marketing, Enterprise Finance |
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta: | Classes requiring direct participation of the teacher: 30h Consultancy meetings: 10h Self-study: preparation for the case study and final project for tutorials: 40h Self-study: preparation for final examination: 20h |
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza: | Within the scope of knowledge a student: W1: recognizes economic and social processes in organisations and their environment, including a global dimension - K_W02 W2: understands mutual relations between economic and social processes in organisations and their environment - K_W02 W3: knows general rules of starting-up and developing individual entrepreneurship based on the knowledge of management theory - K_W10 |
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności: | Within the scope of abilities a student: U1: proposes the solutions of a particular problem and implement recommendations - K_U06 U2: can design new and socially responsible business enterprises, set up their aims, assess risk and plan resources - K_U08. |
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne: | Within the scope of social competencies a student: K1: specifies the tasks needed for an accomplishment of undertakings set by him/her or by other persons, with special focus on efficient communication, inspiring and organising actionswhich are beneficial for social environment and public interest - K_K02 |
Metody dydaktyczne: | Interactive lecture, case study, discussions during tutorials |
Metody dydaktyczne podające: | - wykład konwersatoryjny |
Metody dydaktyczne poszukujące: | - studium przypadku |
Skrócony opis: |
The aim of the lecture and tutorials is to present the review of main ideas concerning entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship, types of entrepreneurship, the features of entrepreneurial orientation etc. Moreover, the subject delivers knowledge about the process of enterpreneurship, its risks and methods of overcaming market threats. |
Pełny opis: |
Lectures: 1.The idea of entrepreneurship, entrepreneur as a person - W3 2.Types of entrepreneurship - W2, W3 3.Entrepreneurial orientation of the firm - W3, U1 4.Entrepreneurship as a process - W1, W2, U1 6.Identifying and evatualng market opportunities - W1, W2, U1 7.Planing a new venture - W3, U2 8.Resources and conditions of implementing new ventures - W3, U2 9. Infrastructure supporting entrepreneurship - W2 Exerciceses: 1. Personal attributes of an entrpreneur - W3 2. Market analysis for a new venture - W2, W3 3. Innovations as the foundation for entrepreneurship - W3, U1, U2 4. Business model of a new venture - W3, U1, U2 5. Franchising as a form of a new venture - W3, U2 |
Literatura: |
J. M. Kaplan, A. C. Warren, Patterns of Entrepreneurship Management, Johm Wiley &Sons, Inc., New York 2010. R.D. Hisrich, M.P. Peters, D.A. Shepherd, Entrepreneurship, McGraw-Hill, New York 2013. |
Metody i kryteria oceniania: |
W1, W2, W3 - written examination U1, U2, K1 - project, presentation |
Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr zimowy 2022/23" (zakończony)
Okres: | 2022-10-01 - 2023-02-19 |
Przejdź do planu
PT |
Typ zajęć: |
Ćwiczenia, 15 godzin, 30 miejsc
Wykład, 15 godzin, 30 miejsc
Koordynatorzy: | Agata Sudolska | |
Prowadzący grup: | Agata Sudolska | |
Lista studentów: | (nie masz dostępu) | |
Zaliczenie: |
Przedmiot -
Ćwiczenia - Zaliczenie na ocenę Wykład - Egzamin |
Skrócony opis: |
The aim of the lecture and tutorials is to present the review of main ideas concerning entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship, types of entrepreneurship, the features of entrepreneurial orientation etc. Moreover, the subject delivers knowledge about the process of enterpreneurship, its risks and methods of overcaming market threats. |
Pełny opis: |
Lectures: 1.The idea of entrepreneurship, entrepreneur as a person - W3 2.Types of entrepreneurship - W2, W3 3.Entrepreneurial orientation of the firm - W3, U1 4.Entrepreneurship as a process - W1, W2, U1 6.Identifying and evatualng market opportunities - W1, W2, U1 7.Planing a new venture - W3, U2 8.Resources and conditions of implementing new ventures - W3, U2 9. Infrastructure supporting entrepreneurship - W2 Exerciceses: 1. Personal attributes of an entrpreneur - W3 2. Market analysis for a new venture - W2, W3 3. Innovations as the foundation for entrepreneurship - W3, U1, U2 4. Business model of a new venture - W3, U1, U2 5. Franchising as a form of a new venture - W3, U2 |
Literatura: |
J. M. Kaplan, A. C. Warren, Patterns of Entrepreneurship Management, Johm Wiley &Sons, Inc., New York 2010. R.D. Hisrich, M.P. Peters, D.A. Shepherd, Entrepreneurship, McGraw-Hill, New York 2013. |
Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr zimowy 2023/24" (zakończony)
Okres: | 2023-10-01 - 2024-02-19 |
Przejdź do planu
PT |
Typ zajęć: |
Ćwiczenia, 15 godzin, 30 miejsc
Wykład, 15 godzin, 30 miejsc
Koordynatorzy: | Agnieszka Kuś, Agata Sudolska | |
Prowadzący grup: | Agnieszka Kuś | |
Lista studentów: | (nie masz dostępu) | |
Zaliczenie: |
Przedmiot -
Ćwiczenia - Zaliczenie na ocenę Wykład - Egzamin |
Skrócony opis: |
The aim of the lecture and tutorials is to present the review of main ideas concerning entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship, types of entrepreneurship, the features of entrepreneurial orientation etc. Moreover, the subject delivers knowledge about the process of enterpreneurship, its risks and methods of overcaming market threats. |
Pełny opis: |
Lectures: 1.The idea of entrepreneurship, entrepreneur as a person - W3 2.Types of entrepreneurship - W2, W3 3.Entrepreneurial orientation of the firm - W3, U1 4.Entrepreneurship as a process - W1, W2, U1 6.Identifying and evatualng market opportunities - W1, W2, U1 7.Planing a new venture - W3, U2 8.Resources and conditions of implementing new ventures - W3, U2 9. Infrastructure supporting entrepreneurship - W2 Exerciceses: 1. Personal attributes of an entrpreneur - W3 2. Market analysis for a new venture - W2, W3 3. Innovations as the foundation for entrepreneurship - W3, U1, U2 4. Business model of a new venture - W3, U1, U2 5. Franchising as a form of a new venture - W3, U2 |
Literatura: |
J. M. Kaplan, A. C. Warren, Patterns of Entrepreneurship Management, Johm Wiley &Sons, Inc., New York 2010. R.D. Hisrich, M.P. Peters, D.A. Shepherd, Entrepreneurship, McGraw-Hill, New York 2013. |
Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr zimowy 2024/25" (w trakcie)
Okres: | 2024-10-01 - 2025-02-23 |
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: |
Ćwiczenia, 15 godzin, 30 miejsc
Wykład, 15 godzin, 30 miejsc
Koordynatorzy: | Agnieszka Kuś, Agata Sudolska | |
Prowadzący grup: | Agnieszka Kuś | |
Lista studentów: | (nie masz dostępu) | |
Zaliczenie: |
Przedmiot -
Ćwiczenia - Zaliczenie na ocenę Wykład - Egzamin |
Skrócony opis: |
The aim of the lecture and tutorials is to present the review of main ideas concerning entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship, types of entrepreneurship, the features of entrepreneurial orientation etc. Moreover, the subject delivers knowledge about the process of enterpreneurship, its risks and methods of overcaming market threats. |
Pełny opis: |
Lectures: 1.The idea of entrepreneurship, entrepreneur as a person - W3 2.Types of entrepreneurship - W2, W3 3.Entrepreneurial orientation of the firm - W3, U1 4.Entrepreneurship as a process - W1, W2, U1 6.Identifying and evatualng market opportunities - W1, W2, U1 7.Planing a new venture - W3, U2 8.Resources and conditions of implementing new ventures - W3, U2 9. Infrastructure supporting entrepreneurship - W2 Exerciceses: 1. Personal attributes of an entrpreneur - W3 2. Market analysis for a new venture - W2, W3 3. Innovations as the foundation for entrepreneurship - W3, U1, U2 4. Business model of a new venture - W3, U1, U2 5. Franchising as a form of a new venture - W3, U2 |
Literatura: |
J. M. Kaplan, A. C. Warren, Patterns of Entrepreneurship Management, Johm Wiley &Sons, Inc., New York 2010. R.D. Hisrich, M.P. Peters, D.A. Shepherd, Entrepreneurship, McGraw-Hill, New York 2013. |
Właścicielem praw autorskich jest Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu.