Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu - Centralny punkt logowania
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Practical English

Informacje ogólne

Kod przedmiotu: 2510-f1ENG2W-PE
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: (brak danych) / (0231) Języki obce Kod ISCED - Międzynarodowa Standardowa Klasyfikacja Kształcenia (International Standard Classification of Education) została opracowana przez UNESCO.
Nazwa przedmiotu: Practical English
Jednostka: Wydział Humanistyczny
Grupy: Przedmioty dla 1 semestru 2 roku S1 na kierunku filologia angielska
Punkty ECTS i inne: 8.00 Podstawowe informacje o zasadach przyporządkowania punktów ECTS:
  • roczny wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się dla danego etapu studiów wynosi 1500-1800 h, co odpowiada 60 ECTS;
  • tygodniowy wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta wynosi 45 h;
  • 1 punkt ECTS odpowiada 25-30 godzinom pracy studenta potrzebnej do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się;
  • tygodniowy nakład pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się pozwala uzyskać 1,5 ECTS;
  • nakład pracy potrzebny do zaliczenia przedmiotu, któremu przypisano 3 ECTS, stanowi 10% semestralnego obciążenia studenta.

zobacz reguły punktacji
Język prowadzenia: angielski
Wymagania wstępne:

(tylko po angielsku) A passing grade in the Practical English course in the first year.

Całkowity nakład pracy studenta:

(tylko po angielsku) Contact hours with the teacher:

- participation in classes (use of English, reading and writing, speaking and listening) – 90 hours

Self-study hours:

- preparation for tests, completing homework and classroom or online assignments - 110 hours

Altogether: 200 hours (8 ECTS)

Efekty uczenia się - wiedza:

(tylko po angielsku) Use of English

The student

W1: knows grammar rules with a focus on academic register as regards topics including verb complementation, relative clauses, and adjectives and adverbs (grammatical aspects) at B2+ level (K_W02)

W2: knows academic English vocabulary and rules governing its use, including word formation, adjectives and adverbs (lexical aspects), selected phrasal verbs and prepositions at B2+ (K_W02)

Reading and Writing

The student

W3: has the practical knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and spelling, making it possible to understand and create formally and linguistically accurate multi-paragraph academic texts on selected topics at B2+ level (K_W02)

Speaking and Listening

The student

W4: has the practical knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and spelling, making it possible to comprehend and create accurate and fluent oral texts in academic register at B2+ level (K_W02)

Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności:

(tylko po angielsku) Use of English

The student

U1: has the skills to use structures and lexis correctly and following grammar rules pertaining to the successively covered aspects of the English language, such as verb complementation, relative clauses, word formation, adverbs and adjectives, with a focus on academic language (K_U17)

U2: can work in a team taking on various roles in order to complete assigned tasks pertaining to using grammatical structures and formal and academic lexis at B2+ level (K_U08)

Reading and Writing

The student

U3: has the ability to read and comprehend texts from English-language cultural area at B2+ level (K_U02)

U4: understands differences between a formal and informal register and can use impersonal formal English writing texts at B2+ level (K_U04)

U5: can cite other sources either quoting or paraphrasing the original text to prevent plagiarism, referencing and formatting the text in accordance with the NCU BA Stylesheet (K_U16)

U6: has language skills which allow them to read and write academic texts at B2+ level (K_U17)

Speaking and Listening

The student:

U7: understands differences between a formal and informal register and can use impersonal formal English in speech at B2+ level (K_U4)

U8 : has the ability to make effective oral presentations in English and support and defend one’s own claims (K_U15)

U9 : has the English academic language skills as described by B2+ level of CEFR (K_U17)

Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne:

(tylko po angielsku) Use of English

The student

K1: is aware of the level of their language skills and their knowledge in respect of grammar and vocabulary and understands the need for continuous practice (K_K01)

Reading and Writing

The student

K2: is aware of the level of their knowledge and reading and writing skills and understands the need for continuous practice (K_K01)

Speaking and Listening

The student

K3: is aware of the level of their knowledge and speaking and listening skills and understands the need for continuous practice (K_K01)

Metody dydaktyczne:

(tylko po angielsku) Use of English

Expository teaching methods: description, participatory lecture

Exploratory teaching methods: practical, brainstorming, problem-solving

On-line teaching methods adopted on the course Moodle site: asynchronous content delivery, evaluative

Reading and Writing

Expository teaching methods: description, discussion

Exploratory teaching methods: brainstorming, individual consultations, problem-solving, practical

On-line teaching methods adopted on the course Moodle site: asynchronous content delivery methods, evaluative

Speaking and Listening

Expository teaching methods: informative lecture, discussion

Exploratory teaching methods: brainstorming, problem solving, presentation

On-line teaching methods adopted on the course Moodle site: asynchronous content delivery methods, evaluative

Skrócony opis: (tylko po angielsku)

The practical English course is a system of modules. During the course the students will develop their academic English proficiency with regard to use of English, reading comprehension and writing as well as speaking and listening comprehension at a consistent B2+ level.

The three components are elements of one subject and each must be passed in order to receive a positive grade, calculated on the basis of the mean average from the three components.

Pełny opis: (tylko po angielsku)

The course consists of the following components:

Use of English:

The course will cover selected issues connected to practical English grammar and vocabulary, focusing on aspects relevant to language production of both texts and speech at upper-intermediate level over time proceeding towards advanced level (B2+).

Content distribution (which may be subject to modifications depending on students’ expressed needs or ongoing diagnosis conducted in all components of the Practical English course):

- Revision regarding modal verbs, tenses and time clauses

- Introduction to more complex sentence structures and a formal register

- The infinitive, participles and verb complementation – lexical and syntactical aspects

- Relative clauses (defining and non-defining)

- Noun clauses, participle clauses

- Adjectives and adverbs – lexical and syntactical aspects

- Word formation practice

- Selected collocations, idiomatic expressions, and words easily confused found in academic texts

- Selected phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases typical for the academic register

Throughout the semester, students will improve their overall grammar and vocabulary skills through a variety of exercises (open and multiple choice lexical and grammatical cloze, transformations, and error correction) at the B2+ level.

Reading and Writing

The course is designed so as to provide the foundation for effective critical reading and writing in selected academic content areas. Upon successful completion of the course, students will master reading and writing skills as well as key vocabulary required to decode written academic texts and complete written assignments at B2+ level, using a more formal register and writing citations for various types of source material.

Content distribution:

- Building academic vocabulary and dictionary activities

- Register in language: formal vs. informal (continued)

- Introduction to referencing and formatting the text in accordance with the NCU BA Stylesheet; incorporating citation and in-text references

- Reading textbooks and other academic content

- Practice exercises for summary and paraphrase; writing effective paragraphs (continued)

- Writing and evaluating a thesis statement

- Generating supporting details for a specific purpose and organizational pattern

- Practice exercises for punctuation, cohesion and coherence

- Expressing comparison and contrast (recognizing similarities and differences)

- Introduction to hedging language

- Activities for integrated reading and writing

- Editing for correct grammar, spelling, and use of mechanics

Speaking and Listening

During the course the students will begin to develop their skills regarding speaking formally in the academic register with regard to accuracy and fluency at B2+ level. They will develop their abstract vocabulary and their ability to activate such vocabulary during discussions with emphasis on the ability to specify, defend and modify their own opinions in discussion. In addition, the students will develop their skills with regard to academic discourse. The advanced (intellectually stimulating) materials will represent varied society- and academia-related themes.

Content distribution:

- Understanding introductions to a lecture/taking part in a seminar discussion/exchanging opinions

- Recognizing key factual information, and definitions/ presenting visual information

- Introducing and analysing supporting evidence/understanding assumptions in questions

- Recognizing and practising signposting language (introducing, transitioning and sequencing)/giving a presentation

- Spoken punctuation/responding to suggestions

- Recognizing referencing language/giving a poster presentation

Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)

Use of English

Required reading:

Evans, Virginia. 2009. FCE Use of English 2. Express Publishing. (selected chapters)

Resources available on the Moodle platform

Additional reading:

Porter, David. 2007. Check Your Vocabulary for Academic English. A&C Black.

Swan, Michael. 2016. Practical English Usage. Fourth Edition. Oxford University Press.

Wallwork, Adrian. 2016. English for Academic Research: Grammar Exercises. Springer.

Wallwork, Adrian. 2016. English for Academic Research: Vocabulary Exercises. Springer.

Yule, George. 2015. Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced. Oxford University Press.

Reading and Writing

Required reading:

Selection of texts and materials developed by the teachers, made available on the Moodle platform

Additional reading (selected chapters):

Chazal, Edward de and Sam McCarter. 2012. Oxford EAP. A Course in English for Academic Purposes. Upper-Intermediate/B2. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Cory, Hugh. 2000. Advanced Writing with English in Use. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Engelhardt, Diane. 2015. Essential Vocabulary for the TOEFL Tests. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Hewings, Martin. 2012. Cambridge Academic English. An Integrated Skills Course for EAP. Upper-Intermediate/B2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Folse, Keith S. and Tison Pugh. 2020. Great Writing 5: From Great Essays to Research. Boston: National Geographic Learning.

VanderMey, Randall and Verner Meyer. 2012. The College Writer Brief. A Guide to Thinking, Writing, and Researching. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning.

Speaking and Listening

Required reading (selected chapters):

Chazal, Edward de and Sam McCarter. 2012. Oxford EAP. A Course in English for Academic Purposes. Upper-Intermediate/B2. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Hewings, Martin. 2012. Cambridge Academic English. An Integrated Skills Course for EAP. Upper-Intermediate/B2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Additional reading:

the IELTS Academic Speaking/ Listening examination practice papers

Resources available on the Moodle course page

Metody i kryteria oceniania: (tylko po angielsku)

Assessment methods:

Use of English:

Observation of participation, preparation and homework as well as Moodle assignment completion documented in an activity log (U2, K1)

Mid-semester test and end-of-semester test (W1, W2, U1)

Reading and Writing:

Observation of participation, preparation and homework as well as Moodle assignment completion, documented in an activity log (W3, U3, U5, U6, K2)

Mid-semester reading and writing assignments (W3, U3, U4, U5)

Integrated reading and writing end-of-semester test (W3, U3, U4, U5, U6, K2)

Speaking and Listening

Continuous assessment of student activity in classwork and Moodle work (W4, U7, U9, K3)

Assessed prepared and improvised presentations (U7, U8)

Mid-semester tests and end-of-semester oral test (W4, U7, U8, U9)

Assessment criteria:

Practical English course grades will be given in reference to the following criteria:

fail – 0 – 59%

satisfactory - 60 – 69%

satisfactory plus - 70 – 75%

good - 76 – 85%

good plus - 86 – 90%

very good - 91 – 100%

The final grade in the course is assigned to the average of the three components’ percentages.

The final test in every Practical English module is administered to determine the extent to which students have met the assumed learning outcomes. This test has to be passed for the successful completion of the course. Students who have failed a test are allowed one retake, which in case of the final test is administered in the retake examination session.

The students are evaluated in accordance with the university regulations, and they must attend all course meetings in a classroom or a distance learning platform. Informed participation in class discussions – based on completion of the assigned reading and supportive collaboration with classmates – is also required. Each class absence has to be excused in the first week after the lesson missed. The final grade percentage will be reduced for every unexcused absence or assignment that a student has failed to complete.

A grade average of at least 60% must be achieved to pass each Practical English module, so the students who have passed the final test but failed to obtain the required cumulative grade point average have to retake the final test and achieve the result sufficient to make up for the points lost due to unexcused absences or failing course assignments.

Instructors are authorized to refuse credit when the student’s absenteeism rate is around 50% even if the absences have had valid reasons.

Timely completion of assigned tasks is obligatory. In the case of assignments submitted after the deadline or re-submitted, the grade is lowered.

NOTE: all the above principles apply to all kinds of classes: traditional classroom and all the forms of remote teaching situations. In case of online teaching, the tests may likewise be administered remotely in a form facilitating the verification of the achievement of learning outcomes.

Praktyki zawodowe: (tylko po angielsku)


Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr zimowy 2021/22" (zakończony)

Okres: 2021-10-01 - 2022-02-20
Wybrany podział planu:
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć:
Ćwiczenia, 90 godzin więcej informacji
Koordynatorzy: Sława Krasińska
Prowadzący grup: Magdalena Kopczyńska, Sława Krasińska, Marek Placiński, Adam Rubczak, Krzysztof Strzemeski
Lista studentów: (nie masz dostępu)
Zaliczenie: Przedmiot - Zaliczenie na ocenę
Ćwiczenia - Zaliczenie na ocenę
Skrócony opis: (tylko po angielsku)

As above

Pełny opis: (tylko po angielsku)

As above

Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)

As above

Uwagi: (tylko po angielsku)

In 2021/2022 winter term, the class may be also conducted remotely with the use of remote teaching and testing methods, primarily through the Moodle platform and MS Teams, pending decisions of the university authorities.

Click on "Tutorial, 90 hours -> more information" for additional notes about 2021/2022 cycle.

Moodle courses:

USE OF ENGLISH: https://moodle.umk.pl/course/view.php?id=1395 and on Teams (Group 1.) and on Teams (Group 2.)

READING AND WRITING: https://moodle.umk.pl/course/view.php?id=1394 and on Teams (Group 1.) and on Teams (Group 2.)

SPEAKING AND LISTENING: https://moodle.umk.pl/WHUM/course/view.php?id=1691 and on Teams Class code: e1ljf0i

Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr zimowy 2022/23" (zakończony)

Okres: 2022-10-01 - 2023-02-19
Wybrany podział planu:
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć:
Ćwiczenia, 90 godzin więcej informacji
Koordynatorzy: Sława Krasińska
Prowadzący grup: Sława Krasińska, Nelly Strehlau, Krzysztof Strzemeski, Dorota Watkowska
Lista studentów: (nie masz dostępu)
Zaliczenie: Przedmiot - Zaliczenie na ocenę
Ćwiczenia - Zaliczenie na ocenę
Skrócony opis: (tylko po angielsku)

As above

Pełny opis: (tylko po angielsku)

As above

Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)

As above

Uwagi: (tylko po angielsku)

In 2022/2023 winter term, the class may be also conducted remotely with the use of remote teaching and testing methods, primarily through the Moodle platform and MS Teams, pending decisions of the university authorities.

Click on "Tutorial, 90 hours -> more information" for additional notes about 2022/2023 cycle.

Moodle courses:

USE OF ENGLISH: https://moodle.umk.pl/course/view.php?id=3999

READING AND WRITING: https://moodle.umk.pl/course/view.php?id=3795


Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr zimowy 2023/24" (zakończony)

Okres: 2023-10-01 - 2024-02-19
Wybrany podział planu:
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć:
Ćwiczenia, 90 godzin więcej informacji
Koordynatorzy: Sława Krasińska
Prowadzący grup: Sława Krasińska, Dorota Watkowska
Lista studentów: (nie masz dostępu)
Zaliczenie: Przedmiot - Zaliczenie na ocenę
Ćwiczenia - Zaliczenie na ocenę
Skrócony opis: (tylko po angielsku)

As above

Pełny opis: (tylko po angielsku)

As above

Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)

As above

Uwagi: (tylko po angielsku)

2023/24 winter term Moodle courses:

USE OF ENGLISH: https://moodle.umk.pl/course/view.php?id=5467

READING AND WRITING: https://moodle.umk.pl/course/view.php?id=4765

SPEAKING AND LISTENING: https://moodle.umk.pl/course/view.php?id=5466

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