Specialisation seminar: Anglophone Speculative Fiction
Informacje ogólne
Kod przedmiotu: | 2510-f1ENG3S-SS-ASF |
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: |
(brak danych)
(0231) Języki obce
Nazwa przedmiotu: | Specialisation seminar: Anglophone Speculative Fiction |
Jednostka: | Wydział Humanistyczny |
Grupy: | |
Punkty ECTS i inne: |
Język prowadzenia: | angielski |
Całkowity nakład pracy studenta: | (tylko po angielsku) Contact hours with teacher: - participation in class - 30 hrs - consultations – 20 hrs Self-study hours: - preparation for class – 20 hours - preparation of tasks and projects - 30 hrs Altogether: 100 hrs |
Efekty uczenia się - wiedza: | (tylko po angielsku) W1: The student has the basic knowledge of the terminology and methods of literary studies related to the examined themes in the analysed texts as well as the related historical, social and religious context of those themes (K_W07, K_W12) |
Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności: | (tylko po angielsku) U1: The student is able to search for, analyse, evaluate, select, and apply information concerning the discussed topics using various sources and apply those skills to both analysed texts and primary sources (K_U08, K_U16) U2: The student is able to conduct competent research for the purpose of selecting and documenting appropriate sources necessary for completing a relevant assignment. (K_U17) |
Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne: | (tylko po angielsku) K1: The graduate is able to examine and explain the significance of the elements of the cultural heritage of the discussed cultural areas. (K_K06) |
Metody dydaktyczne podające: | - wykład konwersatoryjny |
Metody dydaktyczne poszukujące: | - studium przypadku |
Metody dydaktyczne w kształceniu online: | - metody wymiany i dyskusji |
Skrócony opis: |
(tylko po angielsku) The aim of the seminar is to familiarize the students with selected texts of Anglophone speculative fiction through close reading. The analysis of the elements of the fantastic and the supernatural, as well as both probable and improbable scenarios, will focus on their functions and their place in their cultural contexts. The students will be graded according to their participation in class and realisation of assigned tasks and a final project. The course is supplemented by a Moodle course. |
Pełny opis: |
(tylko po angielsku) The seminar will focus on the role of fantastic and supernatural elements of Anglophone cultures and the way they function in speculative fiction. The discussion will concern the symbolism and significance of phenomena and entities referred to as “weird,” “strange” and “supernatural” in the discussed texts. Through analyses of the aforementioned aspects the course will extend and deepen their understanding of the Western cultural frame. The thematic blocks of the course include: →humanity and its future →human heritage →human desires →human anxieties |
Literatura: |
(tylko po angielsku) Bould, Mark, Andrew M. Butler, Adam Roberts, and Sherryl Vint. 2009. The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction. New York: Routledge James, Edward and Farah Mendlesohn. 2012. The Cambridge Companion To Fantasy Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Joshi, S.T. 2007. Icons of horror and the supernatural: an encyclopedia of our worst nightmares. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press Oziewicz, Marek. "Speculative fiction." In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature. 2017. |
Metody i kryteria oceniania: |
(tylko po angielsku) Continuous evaluation of participation in class (W1, U1, K1) Graded project (W1, U1, U2) Assessment criteria: fail- (59%) satisfactory- (60-67%) satisfactory plus- (68-75%) good - (76-84%) good plus- (85-90%) very good- (91-100%) |
Praktyki zawodowe: |
(tylko po angielsku) n/a |
Właścicielem praw autorskich jest Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu.