Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu - Centralny punkt logowania
Strona główna

American culture

Informacje ogólne

Kod przedmiotu: 2510-p1ENG2W-AC
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: (brak danych) / (0231) Języki obce Kod ISCED - Międzynarodowa Standardowa Klasyfikacja Kształcenia (International Standard Classification of Education) została opracowana przez UNESCO.
Nazwa przedmiotu: American culture
Jednostka: Wydział Humanistyczny
Strona przedmiotu: https://moodle.umk.pl/WHUM/course/view.php?id=1603
Punkty ECTS i inne: (brak) Podstawowe informacje o zasadach przyporządkowania punktów ECTS:
  • roczny wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się dla danego etapu studiów wynosi 1500-1800 h, co odpowiada 60 ECTS;
  • tygodniowy wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta wynosi 45 h;
  • 1 punkt ECTS odpowiada 25-30 godzinom pracy studenta potrzebnej do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się;
  • tygodniowy nakład pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się pozwala uzyskać 1,5 ECTS;
  • nakład pracy potrzebny do zaliczenia przedmiotu, któremu przypisano 3 ECTS, stanowi 10% semestralnego obciążenia studenta.

zobacz reguły punktacji
Język prowadzenia: angielski
Wymagania wstępne:

(tylko po angielsku) English language skills at B2 level

Całkowity nakład pracy studenta:

(tylko po angielsku) Contact hours with the teacher:

- participation in classes – 20 hours

Self-study hours:

- reading literature, completing homework and online assignments - 45 hours

- study material revision, preparation for the final test - 10 hours

Altogether: 75 hours (3 ECTS)

Efekty uczenia się - wiedza:

(tylko po angielsku) The student

W1: has advanced knowledge of selected historical, social, religious, philosophical and political issues determining the development of the particular regions of the United States of America (K_W07)

W2: has advanced knowledge of the selected aspects of the widely understood culture of the United States of America (K_W08)

W3: has advanced knowledge of selected historical, social, religious, philosophical and political issues in the intercultural context and is able to apply information concerning America’s global role (K_W09)

Efekty uczenia się - umiejętności:

(tylko po angielsku) The student

U1: is able to search for, analyze and apply information using various sources so as to interpret current events in the United States (K_U01)

U2: is able to understand different opinions on social life that are manifested by people from various backgrounds and cultures in the United States and how other countries view America (K_U03)

U3: is able to gain and deepen their knowledge of the U.S. culture and develop their research skills on their own (K_U10)

Efekty uczenia się - kompetencje społeczne:

(tylko po angielsku) The student

K1: appreciates the tradition and cultural heritage of the United States of America (K_K03)

Metody dydaktyczne:

(tylko po angielsku) Expository teaching methods: informative lecture, description, discussion

Exploratory teaching methods: brainstorming, case study, classic problem-solving

On-line teaching methods adopted on the course Moodle site: asynchronous content delivery methods, cooperation-based, methods developing reflexive thinking, evaluative

Skrócony opis: (tylko po angielsku)

The course offers the students an introduction to American life and institutions. It has been designed to provide the historical and cultural context necessary to understand all major areas of life in the United States of America.

Pełny opis: (tylko po angielsku)

The course offers the students an introduction to American life and institutions. It has been designed to provide the historical and cultural context necessary to understand all major areas of life in the United States of America. The following questions will be addressed:

Who is an American? What is America?

What are the central values of America? What is the distance between the ‘American Dream’ and the reality?

How did Americans form their culture and interact with one another? What is America’s relationship to the rest of the world?

Content distribution:

- The Making of the Nation: the history of immigration to the United States and today’s immigration policy debates

- American Values and Beliefs

- The Political System: Presidency, Elections and Political Parties, the Constitution, Functions of Congress

- Education in the USA

- Sports, Arts and Entertainment

- America’s Global Role

- American Geography and Culture of the Regions

Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)

Required reading:

Selection of texts and materials developed by the teachers, made available on the Moodle platform

Additional reading:

Altschuler, G.C. 2003. All Shook Up. How Rock’N’Roll Changed America. New York: Oxford University Press.Daniels, R. 2002.

Coming to America (Second Edition): A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life. US Imports.

Diniejko, A. 2005. An Introduction to the United States of America. Kraków: Wydawnictwo EGIS.

Giannotti J., Szwarcewicz S. 2003. Talking About the USA. An Active Introduction to American Culture. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall Regents.

Mauk, D., Oakland, J. 2009. American Civilization an Introduction. New York: Routledge.

Rock and Roll: An American Story Curriculum. http://teachrock.org/

Sardar, Z., Davis, M.W. 2003. Why Do People Hate America? Cambridge: Icon Books Ltd.

Temperley, H., Bigsby, Ch.,eds. 2006. A New Introduction to American Studies. Pearson Education Limited.

Velie, A., Kidwell, C.S. 2005. Native American Studies. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Metody i kryteria oceniania: (tylko po angielsku)

Assessment methods:

Observation of participation, preparation and homework as well as Moodle assignment completion documented in an activity log (W1, W2, U1, U2, K1)

Final Test (W1, W2, W3, U1, U2, U3)

Assessment criteria:

fail – 0-59%

satisfactory – 60-69%

satisfactory plus – 70-75%

good – 76-85%

good plus – 86-90%

very good – 91-100%

The students are evaluated in accordance with the university regulations, and they must attend all course meetings in a classroom or a distance learning platform. Informed participation in class discussions – based on completion of the assigned reading and supportive collaboration with classmates – is also required. Each class absence has to be excused in the first week after the lesson missed. The final grade percentage will be reduced for every unexcused absence from physical or virtual class or assignment that a student has failed to complete (homework or asynchronous learning).

A grade average of at least 60% must be achieved to pass the course. The students who have failed to obtain the total average grade of at least of 60% are allowed one retake, which is administered in the retake examination session.

Instructors are authorized to refuse credit when the student’s absenteeism rate is around 50% even if the absences have had valid reasons.

Timely completion of assigned tasks is obligatory. In the case of assignments submitted after the deadline or re-submitted, the grade is lowered.

NOTE: all the above principles apply to all kinds of classes: traditional classroom and all the forms of remote teaching situations. In case of online teaching, the tests may likewise be administered remotely in a form facilitating the verification of the achievement of learning outcomes.

Praktyki zawodowe: (tylko po angielsku)


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