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(in Polish) Kierunek: Chemia Kosmetyczna - semestr 2 (course group defined by Faculty of Chemistry)

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Course group: (in Polish) Kierunek: Chemia Kosmetyczna - semestr 2
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2021/22L - Summer semester 2021/22
2022/23L - Summer semester 2022/23
2023/24L - Summer semester 2023/24
2024/25L - Summer semester 2024/25
(there could be semester, trimester or one-year classes)
2021/22L 2022/23L 2023/24L 2024/25L
0600-S2-ChK-SP/W-ChG n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2022/23
  • Tutorial - 20 hours
  • Laboratory - 20 hours
  • Lecture - 20 hours

Brief description

The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the main groups of raw materials used in household chemicals products and with the basic principles of composing and manufacturing household chemicals products, e.g. dishwashing agents, washing and softening fabrics, cleaning and maintaining various types of surfaces, etc. Students will become familiar with the methods analysis of the composition and assessment of functional properties of selected household chemicals products. The main directions of development of the household chemicals industry will also be presented, with particular emphasis on ecological aspects, both in the production and use of products.

As part of the exercises, students will learn about methods of developing innovative solutions and will develop a new household chemicals product.

Course page
0600-S2-ChK-DE n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Lecture - 15 hours

Brief description

The aim of the course is presentation of basic knowledge about aesthetic dermatology, aging of skin, aesthetic problems of skin face and therapeutic techniques used in dermatology and aesthetic medicine.

Course page
0600-S2-ChK-EChF n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the basic knowledge about the chemical compounds used as active substances in medicine with particular focus on the active substances used in the treatment of skin diseases, hormone therapy and cardiovascular diseases.

Course page
0600-S2-ChK-EK n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Laboratory - 25 hours
  • Lecture - 20 hours

Brief description

Aim is to give the basic knowledge of crystallochemistry. Lectures and laboratory give the basics of geometrical crystallograpgy, symmetry of molecules and crystal lattice, partly using the group theory, use of the diffraction method to identify substances, determine the crystal lattice parameters, methods of crystal structure determination for compounds and biomaterials, basic types of crystal structures,as well as correlation between chemical/physical properties and crystal structure.

Course page
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Laboratory - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 15 hours
Summer semester 2022/23
  • Laboratory - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 15 hours
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Laboratory - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 15 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Laboratory - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 15 hours

Brief description

Concept of colloidal state; kinds of colloids; surface phenomena; colloid stability; preparation of colloids; purification; optical, rheological properties; electrokinetic phenomena; destruction of colloids; colloids in cosmetic industry.

The lab's goal is to gain the experience in colloidal research and to interpret the obtained results. The goal is also to improve skills of mathematical description of experimental results with the use of statistical methods and computer.

Course page
0600-S2-ChK-SP/W-PP n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Tutorial - 20 hours
  • Laboratory - 20 hours
  • Lecture - 20 hours

Brief description

The aim of this course is to familiarize students with personal care preparations for skin, hair and nails and to familiarize students with active substances used in the preparation of skincare products.

The subject aims also to familiarize students with the issues related to the encapsulation of cosmetic ingredients.

Course page
0600-S2-ChK-SP/W-WTP n/a n/a
Summer semester 2022/23
  • Laboratory - 45 hours
  • Lecture - 15 hours
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Laboratory - 45 hours
  • Lecture - 15 hours

Brief description

The subject aims to familiarize students with issues related to technological processes in food production, its transformations during individual processes and storage, and sensory analysis. Moreover, the student acquires the skills to use appropriate technological processes and methods of sensory evaluation of various food products in practice.

Course page
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Lecture - 15 hours
Summer semester 2022/23
  • Lecture - 15 hours
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Lecture - 15 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Lecture - 15 hours

Brief description

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the structures, properties, and synthesis of surfactants. The classification of surfactants, methods of their determination, the use of surfactants, their impact on the environment are also discussed.

Course page
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