1. Neurophysiology- neuron and cell membrane: structure and functions; cell membrane transport: ion channels, pumps; resting membrane potential; action potential
2. Neurophysiology- neuron and cell membrane: structure and functions; cell membrane transport: ion channels, pumps; resting membrane potential, action potential
3. Neurophysiology: resting membrane; potential, action potential of neuron; “voltage clamp” and “patch clamp” technique in the examination of neuron activity; the excitability of neuron, absolute and relative refraction in neuron; chemical synapse: structure and mechanism of action
4. Synaptic transmission and transmission speed
5. The types of neurotransmitters and its mechanism of action
6. Skeletal muslces physiology
7. Physiology of perception
8. Functional organisation of the brain; higher brain function; cognitive functions
9. Vestibulo-ocular and vestibulospinal reflexes; the role of the reticular formation in tension control.
10. Caloric nystagmus, rotary and post-rotary nystagmus; examination of vestibulospinal and selected spinal reflexes.
11. The mechanics of breathing
12. Spirometry: methodology and tests results interpretation
13. The regulation of respiratory system activity
14. Electrical activity of the heart; the impact of the autonomic nervous system on heart
15. Conduction system of the heart: structure and function; the impact of autonomic nervous system on conduction velocity, the effect of selected chemical agents on the heart