1. Studeny passes the course after receiving a positive grade on all mid-semester tests in the winter and summer semester, as well as on the exam.
2. Three mid-semester tests will be conducted in the summer semester:
Colloquium No. 3, covering the thematic block: Cardiovascular system physiology
Colloquium No. 4, covering the thematic block: Respiratory System Physiology, Kidneys Physiology
Colloquium No. 5, covering the thematic block: Digestive System Physiology, Metabolism
3. During the tutorial, the Student can obtain 5 points:
4 points from an entrance test
1 point for active participation in tutorial
4. The entrance tests cannot be retaken by the Student.
5. To be eligible to participate in the mid-semester test, a student must score at least 60% of the maximum points achievable from tutorials within the respective colloquium. The following table illustrates the relationship between points and eligibility for the mid-semester tests:.
Colloquium No. 3: Cardiovascular system physiology, max points 30, threshold ≥18
Colloquium No. 4: Respiratory system physiology, Kidney physiology, max points 30, threshold ≥ 18
Colloquium No. 5: Digestive system physiology, Metabolism, max points 15, threshold ≥ 9
6. During the tutorial, the Student can obtain 5 points:
4 points from an entrance test
1 point for active participation in tutorial
7. The entrance tests cannot be retaken by the Student.
8. The Student will receive a positive grade for the colloquium upon achieving a minimum of 60% of the total possible points. Point conversions, as per the Dean's Council Resolution WL No. 33/21, as outlined in the table below:
92≤…..≤100 excelent (5)
88≤…..<92 very good (4+)
80≤…..<88 good (4)
71≤…..<80 satisfactory (3+)
60≤…..<71sufficient (3)
<60 unsatisfactory/ failed (2)
9. After failing the colloquium, the Student has the right to single retake of the colloquium.
10. If the student fails to reach the 60% threshold of the maximum tutorial points within a specific colloquium or does not pass the colloquium in first or retake terms, The Student is required to undergo a commission-assisted evaluation for that particular colloquium.
11. The exam format consists of a single-choice test containing 100 closed questions, each with four possible answers: one correct answer and three distractors (with no penalty for incorrect answers). Each correct answer earns the student 1 point. Exam results will be disclosed within a maximum of five days following the examination.
12. Student receives a positive grade from the exam after obtaining at least 60% of the maximal number of points. Point conversions are presented in the table below in accordance with the Dean's Council Resolution WL No. 33/21, as outlined in the table below:
92≤…..≤100 excelent (5)
88≤…..<92 very good (4+)
80≤…..<88 good (4)
71≤…..<80 satisfactory (3+)
60≤…..<71sufficient (3)
<60 unsatisfactory/ failed (2)
13. The Student who has not passed the exam may retake it on the date specified by the Head of the Department. This date will be announced at least one month in advance, or earlier by mutual agreement. Additionally, at the Student's request and in justified cases, the Dean may appoint a commission exam.
Written semi-final tests ( ≥60 %): W1, W3-W11, U2, K1,
Entrance tests ( ≥60 %): W1-W11, U1, U2, K1
Lab reports/ work sheets ( ≥60 %): W1-W4, W6-W11, U1, U2, K1
Observation: (≥60 %): K1
Exam: (≥60 %): W1-W11, U1, U2